Memory Verse

When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!

2 Corinthians 5v17

What’s on this month

April 7th 10:30 am Morning Service: Andy Malcolm

April 14th 10:30 am Morning Service: London City Mission

April 21st 10:30 am Morning Service: Margaret Cook

April 28th 10:30 am Morning Service: Graham Fuller


Upcoming Events

You are very welcome to come to any of our events:





June 29th 12:30pm Outreach BBQ

July 22nd 3pm Summer Tea

Woolpit Village Website

To find out more about Woolpit, visit


Sowing Seeds

For many years I have had a greenhouse on the meadow but the gales earlier in the year caused irreparable damage.  So, I have bought a new one!  It has been beautifully erected and stands waiting.  I have also bought some seeds but as yet they remain in the packets and the seed trays and the greenhouse are empty!  Unless I plant the seeds in the soil or compost they remain alone, dry seeds.  It is true that I will not be disappointed when some germinate and others do not but also, I will not have the satisfaction of eating my own homegrown vegetables.

The apostle John tells us that Jesus said, “I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds”(Jn:12:24) At Easter we remember these words and reference them to Jesus’ sacrifice and death on the cross.  It is through His death and resurrection to new life that we can know forgiveness and peace with God.  Through this we are able to be part of His great harvest. There is no salvation for any-one without blood being shed (Heb:9:22)

Tertullian, an early Christian, said that “the blood of martyrs is the seed of the church.”  The word martyr means ”witness.”  We are called to be witnesses. To share this wonderful message with others.  Isaiah heard a voice saying, “Who will go? Who will I send? (Is:6).  Isaiah’s response was “send me”. In some parts of the world many who respond to this call are dying for their faith.  Their deaths are a powerful witness but the result is others come to believe and the Church grows. After the resurrection Jesus told the disciples they were to be His witnesses.  So are we. We have a choice.  We can be like the seeds, inside the packet, warm dry but unfruitful or sow generously.  Some will grow, others may not.