Memory Verse
If God is for us who can be against us?Romans 8v31
What’s on this month
Feb 2nd 10:30 am Morning Service: Phil Sparkes
Feb 9th 10:30 am Morning Service: Ian Featherstone
Feb 16th 10:30 am Morning Service: Myles Coulter
Feb 23rd 10:30 am Morning Service: Sing & Share, Bring & Share – Graham Fuller
Alpha Course – weekly on Sundays at 4 pm at Chapel House, next to The Room
Monday Meet – weekly at 2:30 pm at the Room
Bible Study & Prayer – Tuesdays 7:00 pm at Margaret’s
Upcoming Events
You are very welcome to come to any of our events:
Alpha Course 4pm Sundays at Chapel House
Woolpit Village Website
To find out more about Woolpit, visit
If there is anything we can do to help – even if you just need a chat – please ask.
You can find our details on the “Contact Us” page
We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Registered Charity Number: 1199793
Come and visit us at White Elm Road, Woolpit, IP30 9SQ.
Services every Sunday at 10:30am, followed by light refreshments.
We also hold regular meetings throughout the week, and special events during the year.

If there was one thing we could do for you what would it be?
If there was one thing we could pray for you,what would it be?
Click to contact us.