Memory Verse

Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances…

1 Thessalonians 5v17-18


What’s on this month

Dec 1st 10:30 am Morning Service: Phil Sparkes

Dec 8th 10:30 am Morning Service: Neil Cleveland

Dec 15th 10:30 am Morning Service: Darren Rozier

Dec 22nd 10:30 am Short Morning Service

Dec 22nd  4:00 pm Carols by Candlelight

Dec 29th 10:30 am Short Communion: Graham Fuller


Upcoming Events

You are very welcome to come to any of our events:



Woolpit Village Website

To find out more about Woolpit, visit

Our Sunday services and mid-week events are informal, relaxed and friendly.

Why not come along to our church?

You will receive a warm welcome.

The building and Christian community was established here in 1841 and continues today. We recognise what we owe to our past but endeavour to be relevant to the present. We hold various regular meetings and a number of special activities, sometimes in conjunction with other churches in the village. All our teaching and preaching is Bible based.

Registered Charity 1199793